

Densocialpædagogiske Døgninstitution Sonderbro er en sikret institution for unge ialderen 14-18 år anbragt i varetægtssurrogat – et sted som de unge selv beskriversom ”en ungdomsklub man ikke kan komme ud fra”. NVR introduceres i 2011 i tætsamarbejde med Michal Herbsmann og Idan Amiel fra Schneider Children’s Medical Center i Israel som et supplement til den eksisterende pædagogik samtidig medat der arbejdes med at tilrettelægge et forældretilbud der specifikt retter sig imod atre-etablere den tabte forældreautoritet ved at undervise den unges forældreneog øvrige sociale netværk i at anvende mange af de samme pædagogiskeNVR/NA-redskaber, som der anvendes internt på Sønderbro.


The social-pedagogical youth facility Sonderbro is a sceured facility for youth inthe age between 14-18 years who are charged with a crime and placed insurrogate custody – a place which the youngsters themselves describe as "ateen club you cannot get out of". The NVR/NA-program was introduced at Sonderbro in 2011 in close collaboration with Michal Herbsmann and Idan Amiel from Schneider Medical Center in Israel as a supplement to the existing pedagogy.

At the same time we are designing and implementing a parental program which focuses on re-establishing the parental authority while the youth is placed incustody, thus working towards ensuring that the young boys and girls havebetter chance of choosing a good life for themselves. The parental program willbe drawing on many of the NVR/NA-methods that becomes an integrated part of the everyday life at Sonderbro.