
The purpose of this site is to promote the principles of the New Authority and to advance its development. It is intended as an open source of knowledge of NVR and the New Authority. Our professional team believes that this model of cooperation and open information reflects the basic principles of the New Authority, mainly, transparency, openness, mutual support and the recruitment of public opinion.

The translation of the site from English to different languages was initiated by different activists around Europe. Special thanks to Dimitris Filokostas from Greece, Claudia Seefeldt from Switzerland and Frank van Holen from Flanders for their hard work and important contributions!

We are aware that an open model may lead to inaccuracies in the translations, and we invite members to suggest corrections as they see fit. This spirit of collaboration is also in accord with our basic views and we are committed to incorporate suggestions and corrections as they arise.

We wish you a pleasant read in whatever language you prefer and all that's left is to click on the link of your choice!