NVR in Germany

Written by: Dr. Arist von Schlippe


In 1999 Haim Omer was invited to give a seminar to the team of the IF Weinheim, one of the largest institutes for systemic therapy and practice in Germany.

It was an intensive and inspiring event for all the participants, including the lecturer himself, as it was Haims first time to get in touch with the German professional scene. The event resulted in a long lasting friendship between Arist v. Schlippe (Professor at Witten/Herdecke University), Michael Grabbe (with A.v.Schlippe trainer at the IFW) and many other colleagues from that institute. In later years Dr. Uri Weinblatt and other lecturers from Israel were invited to Germany.

Haim's books were published in Germany under co-authorship of Arist v.Schlippe (see reference list below) who adapted the ideas of Haim to the German therapeutic and scientific community; the books experience a wide circulation (the first one comes out already in the 8th edition). Since 2000 up to now six large conferences about the NVR approach have been arranged in Osnabrueck (Northern Germany) and Heidelberg. An elaborate evaluation project about the impact of NVR-parental coaching had been carried out in the dissertation of Dr. Barbara Ollefs (see Ollefs et al., 2009; in that context a “manual” of NVR-counselling has been established, see Ollefs & v.Schlippe, 2007), and projects had been brought on the way to apply the NVR approach to different contexts like working with teachers in schools (Lemme et al., 2009) or with families with chronically ill children.

A “Kompetenznetzwerk” (network of competent colleagues) has been founded at the IFW that includes a group of well trained an experienced professionals in NVR-counselling and coaching. The institute offers a well elaborated training in “parental coaching” with a large number of participants.
Meanwhile, several centres have been established in Germany that work according to the principles of NVR and develop the concept further (e.g. Untiedt, 2009).


References *

Lemme, M., Tillner, R., Eberding, A. (2009). Neue Autorität in der Schule. Familiendynamik 34(3)
Ollefs, B., Schlippe, A.v. (2006). Elterliche Präsenz und das Elterncoaching im gewaltlosen Widerstand. In: Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 55, pp 693-710. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Ollefs, B., Schlippe A.v. (2007). Manual für das Elterncoaching auf der Basis des gewaltlosen Widerstands. In: Schlippe, A. v., Grabbe, M. (Eds.) Werkstattbuch Elterncoaching- Elterliche Präsenz und gewaltloser Widerstand in der Praxis. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
Ollefs, B., Schlippe, A.v., Omer, H., Kriz, J. (2009). Jugendliche mit externalem Problemverhalten. Effekte von Elterncoaching. Familiendynamik 34(3), S. 256-265
Ollefs, B., Schlippe, A.v. (2010). Familiäre Eskalation, elterliche Präsenz und systemisches Elterncoaching im gewaltlosen Widerstand. In: Romeike, G., Immelmann, H. (Eds.). Eltern verstehen und stärken. Weinheim, Juventa, S. 161-178
Ollefs, B., Theiling, S. (2006). Elterliche Präsenz und Typ 1 Diabetes. In: Tsirigotis, C., Schlippe, A.v., Schweitzer, J. (Eds.): Coaching für Eltern. Mütter, Väter und ihr "Job". Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Systeme
Omer, H., Alon, N., Schlippe, A.v. (2007). Feindbilder. Psychologie der Dämonisierung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Omer, H., Lebowitz, E. (2012). Ängstliche Kinder unterstützen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Omer, H., Schlippe, A.v. (2010). Autorität durch Beziehung. Gewaltloser Widerstand in Beratung und Therapie. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (5th edition)
Omer, H., Schlippe, A.v. (2009). Stärke statt Macht. ‚Neue Autorität’ als Rahmen für Bindung. Familiendynamik 34(3), S. 246-255
Omer, H., Schlippe, A.v. (2010). Stärke statt Macht. Neue Autorität in Familie, Schule und Gemeinde. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Omer, H., Schlippe, A.v. (2011). Die Ankerfunktion: Elterliche Autorität und Bindung. In: Schindler, H. et al. (Hg.), Systemische Horizonte. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, S. 119-130
Omer, H., Schlippe, A.v. (2011). Autorität ohne Gewalt. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (8th edition)
Schlippe, A.v., Grabbe, M. (Hg.)(2007). Werkstattbuch Elterncoaching. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Tsirigotis, C., Schlippe, A.v., Schweitzer, J. (Eds.)(2006). Coaching für Eltern. Mütter, Väter und ihr "Job". Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Systeme
Untiedt, F. (2009). Tatort Familie - Wenn Kinder ihre Eltern schlagen. In S. Friedrich & J. Tetens (Eds.), Umgang mit Konflikten und Gewalt an der Schnittstelle zwischen Psychologie, Pädagogik und Sozialer Arbeit. Morrisville: Lulu Enterprises


* only recent references (published after 2006)