NVR in England

Non Violent Resistance in family therapy was introduced to the UK in 2006 by Peter Jakob, Director of PartnershipProjects, who invited Professor Haim Omer and Uri Weinblatt to present NVR workshops in Southeast England. Over the past five years, NVR was introduced by Peter Jakob to many NHS and local authority organisations, and in April 2011 the first international NVR conference –Beyond Behaviour was held in London. The conference was organized by PartnershipProjects in collaboration with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust.

Schools in UK are also developing an interest in the ‘New Authority’ concept. The ‘New Authority’ principles and practices offer an alternative form of inclusive discipline, which helps teachers out of helplessness and professional isolation. Together with a partner agency, PartnershipProjects is currently developing a school-based New Authority project.

PartnershipProjects are now offering the first NVR certificate course in UK!
This comprehensive course enables professionals in mental health, social care, education and youth justice to develop the core competencies that are required for using an NVR intervention.

An article by Peter Jakob about child-focused NVR work with children can be downloaded here at resources. More details about NVR & PartnershipProjects are available here at the box to your left or at PartnershipProjects website.