Newsletter - March 2016


March , 2016


In this year’s annual Newsletter, we will present a summary of the NVR work in 2015 done by professionals from Europe and Israel and a road map to our most important event of the year – the 4th International conference. The conference will be held on May 26-27th in Malmö. Malmö holds the bridge between Denmark and Sweden, symbolizing our intention to bridge together ideas, thoughts, methods and research.

The main theme of our international conference, organized by Paul Johansen, Nina Boelsgaard & Rikke Lyngdam is - "Don't tell us - Show us!”. In other words, the conference will focus on the way NVR professionals, work, act and implement NVR in different settings, cultures and tongues. Attached to this email in PDF is the detailed program of the keynote lectures and workshops. Just look at the wide variety of themes suggested by our NVR professionals and if you haven’t registered yet, now is the right time to do it on the conference website link here.
You are guaranteed to get tools, new ideas, and a vitamin boost for your daily work!


Starting with our English native speaking community as Peter Jakob states in his 2015 summary for PartnershipProjects, many practitioners are now using NVR in the UK and PartnershipProjects is hosting a number of events for 2016. Peter Jakob will present a keynote speech on the adapted trauma model of NVR and 6 different workshops in the conference will be dedicated to this important subject. 
As Tobias von der Recke from Germany reminds us all in his letter, the current refugee crisis in Europe, signals that, unfortunately, trauma will probably stay a critical issue for a long time. In what ways should our community react? This question that will be discussed right after the conference as is elaborated in Tobias’s letter here.   
Alongside the time and energy devoted for raising a moral stance in this political issue Tobias’s organization, Münchner Institut für systemische Weiterbildung continues to lead and assimilate NVR and NA in Germany combining it with new ideas. A Symposium that blends different concepts: Multi-Family Therapy (Eia Asen), Kids’ Skills (Ben Furman) and NVR live work (individuals, couples and families) helped to transfer the ideas and methods together into everyday practice (read here about MISW work in 2015). MISW continues to offer NVR/NA training and will host a 2 days’ workshop with Haim Omer in October 2016.

Still in Germany, the oldest institute for systemic therapy – IF Weinheim continues to promote NVR and networks with other organizations and colleagues, read here a summary by Barbara Ollefs . Also Ruth Tillner from Systemic Academy Bramsche, continue the courses in "Systemischer Coach für Neue Autorität“ (Systemic Coach for New Authority) and a symposium day was offered in collaboration with the University of Osnabrück. Read here more about it.

Last news from Germany - Melanie Hubermann, after a short tour in Israel (read here more about this option), organized a donation evening for Schneider Medical Center in Berlin.  In cooperation with Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie und Beratung, GST- Berlin and friends of Schneider Children‘s Medical Center, a lecture titled ‘Stärke statt Macht’ with Idan Amiel followed by a 2 days workshop for therapists and teachers. Her impressions from the tour and workshops are attached here.


In Vorarlberg, Austria, as a result from the efforts of the gfw-vorarlberg network PINA – Pedagogical Institute for New Authority was founded by Stiftung Jupident and Vorarlberg Kinderdorf as a common project. Martin Fellacher from PINA will also present NVR work with foster parents (see workshop no. 31).
As we mentioned in the last newsletter, Austria is very active in integrating NVR in schools. This important work will be presented in the conference at 2 different workshops: 'NVR for Schools - let´s do it together' (workshop no. 17) by Stefan Ofner, Hans Steinkellner from Austria and Tobias von der Recke, from Germany. A second workshop - ‘Experiences with the New Authority model in Styrian primary, secondary and high schools’ (workshop no. 28) will be presented by Philip Streit, from Austria.
More and more NVR work is being implemented in schools and not only by our German speaking professionals. The Dutch speaking community will highlight the subject in the conference with 3 more workshops, and we turn to for updates from our Dutch/Flemish community.


The Flemish ‘NAGV-op school’ organized by a team of teachers and pedagogues  wrote a short article to present their NVR work in Flemish schools. Their work will be presented in workshop no. 15 – ‘How to create a powerful NVR support network in schools?’ by Hilaire Dolfeyn and Hilde Leonard.
While trying to adjust NVR to the Dutch school system a new book - ‘Geweldloos verzet op school’ by Wil van Nus combines the New Authority concept and NVR into a useful roadmap for Dutch schools. Look also for her workshop (no.22) – ‘NVR - we need a change from within’.
A summary of the NVR work in the Netherlands from the Dutch network NVR is also presented here thanks to Wim Braamse from VraagKracht!.
A revised 2nd edition of the basic NVR book titled now – ‘Geweldloos verzet: Handleiding voor ouders’ was written by Eliane Wiebenga & Haim Omer. This manual adjusts NVR to the Dutch culture and the term ‘Connecting Authority’ will be presented in the conference by Eliane Wiebenga & Hans Bom. Look for workshop no. 2 ‘Impasses in Treatments: creating space with the concepts of Non Violent Resistance and Connecting Authority’.
Latest news from the Netherlands comes from the deBascule teams. You can also learn more about their work in one of their 2 workshops no. 21 - ‘Non-violence Resistance, it’s teamwork’ by Ron Ottenbros or no. 11 by Kirsten van Gink & Katharina Visser - ‘NVR in a residential setting: The bridge between science and practice’.
The pioneering work of deBascule team resonated in Europe and promoted impressive knowledge of NVR in residential settings and psychiatric wards. Looking at the conference’s different topics - out of 32 workshops 9 are about implementing NVR in residential care or wards, most of them in Flanders.
Indeed, NVR continues to boom in Flanders – in youth care, education and psychotherapy – read here a short summery by Frank van Holen on the work done by the Belgisch Instituut Geweldloos Verzet professionals.


A new and fascinating project of implementing the New Authority concept in residential setting was done in Wingerdbloei, Belgium. After several years of implementing NVR, Jan Bots, Wingerdbloei’s director, recruited Maisam Madi, an NA expert from Israel, to further assimilate the New Authority concept ‘on the floor’ with the teams. The results from the first months of this intensive work are presented here in her article –Implementing New Authority in residential care - a process of strengthening the authority of a team’. See workshop no. 5 to learn more about their team work.
Another in depth and active process of assimilating New Authority in Youth Care in Belgium is done in ‘Sporen vzw’ described by Philippe Collart in his article - 'Implementing NVR in teams of Sporen: an ongoing process'. Look for workshop no. 6 to learn about the parents' group work done there.
Both articles by Maisam and Philippe will also be available to download in our resource section, as well as additional recently added articles. One vital addition to our growing resource section is the complete NVR literature list that was sent to us by Prof. Frank Van Holen. we take this opportunity to thank all the professionals who contributed from their work and helped us in sending you the information in this newsletter and the website’s resources.


Last, but not least, we wish to thank Dimitris Filokostas for a new translation of the website to Greek and look forward to hear about new NVR developments in Greece!


Wishing us all a fruitful NVR work and an interesting and exciting conference!



“The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.










* What does the refugee crisis in Europe have to do with our NVR community? Read Tobias's letter about it.












* New Authority in Berlin - read here about it.










* In Austria more schools are implementing NVR. Learn more about it in the conference. 










* NVR adaptations for Flemish and Dutch schools - more literature is available now.











* NVR gains more support and research in residential care both in Flanders and the Netherlands.














* New Authority in residential care read here more about the options.









* NVR translated to Greek - have a look!



*  Send us articles or case reports and we'll publish it here.