Hi Kerstin,
well, as best as i can recall, the authoratative parenting style is one of four (the others being authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful). And they are broad catagories of parenting. Is that what you are referring to? If so, that way i see it, the new authority can be seen as an authoratative parenting style in that it puts emphasis both on bondaries and demands but also on diaologue and support. There is room for the child autonomy but only as such that the child doesn't hurt him/herself or his/her enviornment. The problem with authoratative parenting is that it is such a broad description that i think it is of little help to parents or practionars. We know we don't want to be authoritarian, or permissive or neglectful, but how the heck do we become authoratative? i think that the new authority takes this style of parenting and makes it a) specific, giving guideliness and tools and b) empowering, in that while the goal may be still child-centered, the actions and approach are parent-centered.
Anyway, thats how i see it but i would love to hear what others have to say about this.