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writing a letter to a child
Annelies Huybrechts
18:00 02.26.2011
Hi everybody,

Of course, I also enjoyed the training a lot!

Yesterday but one I already wrote two letters to children who were involved in a serious fight. I picked up inspiration in the lecture about he supporters network.

When incidents happen in the group and other team members pass by, we don't interfere with it and keep out of it, unless it is really needed of course or when the caretakers give us a sign to help.

Now I decided to write two letters to the children and asked the caretakers to hand them over when the children cooled down. Also asked to send them their reactions.

One child got the letter later on in the evening and already announced that she would tear it into pieces. she read the letter though, and of course teared it. I was told that she did it in another way than she usually does; she did it very quitly, after reading the message. The message seemed not to have made her upset. It was more of doing what she told, staying loyal to her words.

The other child read it and kept it.

So, next time that they will come for psychotherapy, it could be a topic.

In actual sense, I myself felt confortable with it. Cause the not interfering attitude, seems sometimes to confuse young children: "Why is one taking it so serious and the other one just passes by, as if nothing is happening....?".

It was also very supporting towards the team members. So, thanks for the lecture once again, it really seems to be a combination of two important things: the boundary and the support.

lots of greetings,
support network
23:08 02.26.2011
hello everyone,
I was more than pleased reading annelies's experience about making a support network and showing the children that we as adults are taking responsibility and working as a community whenever they cant work their conflicts in a non violent ways. Children are not used and will resist at first to any "interference form outside" but as I learned from the participants in the trading " the public is the enemy of the symptom" . From my experience the effect of working as community is so strong because its includes any adult or child who share our concern not accepting acts that threat and hurt our basic right for security. Building a support network isn’t an east task but as Woody Allen says "success is 90% persistence"
Best regards to everyone
The power of support
irit schorr sapir
20:53 02.28.2011
Dear Annelies,
I am happy to hear you already started to use the tools you learn in the NVR conference. good for you!
As you can see, different children react in different ways to the NVR just like different therapists. The reactions you descibed are tipical to letters of supporter. the important thing is that you wrote them and that the child got the message that there is a support network and what happened in the group donot stay in the group when its involves violent!
I am interest to hear about the teem members feelings when they learn about your support?
Yours, Irit Schorr Sapir
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